Big Pine Tribe of the Owens Valley

2016 NATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP GOES TO THE OVCDC at the BIG PINE PAIUTE TRIBE OF THE OWENS VALLEY! Very Special Thanks to the OVCDC in Big Pine for having us. It is an honor to be invited back to your community this summer. This program teaches Native youth to write, direct, shoot and edit… Read more »

Bishop Paiute Tribe

NATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP – Bishop Paiute Tribe June 27th – July 1st, 2016, the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop initiated its third workshop of the year with the Bishop Paiute Tribe. Several youth worked on numerous projects about their tribal history, tribal creation story and a PSA on Native Pride. The workshop concluded with a… Read more »

Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma

NATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP – Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma June 15th – June 20th, 2016, the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop initiated its second workshop of the year with the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Several youth worked on numerous projects about their upcoming pow wow, their tribal horse reserve, eagle aviary, animation and history documentary. The… Read more »


NATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP – Bishop Paiute Tribe June 27th – July 1st, 2016, the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop initiated its third workshop of the year with the Bishop Paiute Tribe. Several youth worked on numerous projects about their tribal history, tribal creation story and a PSA on Native Pride. The workshop concluded with a… Read more »

Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma

NATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP – Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma June 15th – June 20th, 2016, the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop initiated its second workshop of the year with the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Several youth worked on numerous projects about their upcoming pow wow, their tribal horse reserve, eagle aviary, animation and history documentary. The… Read more »


DAY TWO of THE NATIVE AMERICAN TV WRITERS LAB. Television Writer Ryan Harris (Chicago Fire, Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia) spoke with eight Native American writers about his path in the industry. Sponsored by NBCUniversal, CBS Entertainment Diversity, FOX Audience Strategy, and HBO The NATIVE AMERICAN TV WRITERS LAB is an intensive scriptwriters workshop that… Read more »

2016 Native American TV Writers Lab – Day One

On the 1st day Native Writers pitched their new script ideas to the group and received feedback. Sponsored by NBCUniversal, CBS Entertainment Diversity, FOX Audience Strategy, and HBO The NATIVE AMERICAN TV WRITERS LAB is an intensive scriptwriters workshop that prepares Native Americans for writing careers at major television networks. This lab is designed to… Read more »


Taarkus is an upcoming doom rock band from Los Angeles. The six member group features Stephanie Sallee (member, Washoe Tribe of NV & CA) – vocals, flute; Emma Maatman – organ, backup vocals; Zak Esparza – lead guitar; Greg Howell – guitar; Anthony B. Tetrow – bass; and Rick Mendoza (Chumash descendant) – drums. Taarkus’… Read more »


Blackkiss was born back in 2004 when I bought my first guitar with a black pearl finish just like Johnny Cash’s old SE Martin dreadnaught. The name actually came from a revelation from an old Chilean woman who told me, “You’re like the Sun and Moon at the same time. You are the light and… Read more »

Raye Zaragoza

Raye Zaragoza is a Native-American/Mexican/Taiwanese singer-songwriter who was born and raised in Manhattan, New York.  At the age of fourteen, she moved across the country to Los Angeles and has since continuously been on the move touring and sharing her music with people of all walks of life.  She has performed in more than fifteen… Read more »