There’s Something Outside | Trailer

There’s Something Outside | Trailer

Duration 1:20 min.
Country United States

A man doing his best to provide a good life for his daughter and wife until one night everything is taken from him. In desperation, he take matters into his own hands confronting both the suspect in question for kidnapping his family and the repressed memories of his fragmented upbringing. Despite his disbelief in the supernatural, he encounters the unexplained and is forced to suspend reality so that he may find his loved ones.

"John Marcus" Loren Anthony
"Mya Marcus" Bridgette Smith-Molina
"Sophia Marcus" Timia Emily Molina
"Investigator Patrick" Joseph Guillen
"Uncle Shifty" Trenedad Atencio
Director Wade Mckinley Adakai
Producer Loren Anthony
Writer Wade Mckinley Adakai