The Last Beyond

The Last Beyond

Duration 87 min.
Country United States

An intimate western set during the Great Depression, THE LAST BEYOND is the love story and spiritual journey of Stratton and Gracie, whose lives meet as everything around them falls apart. Living in the wilds of Montana with newfound friends Joe Running Elk and his grandfather Flying Bear, they begin to become whole again. When tragedy strikes, Flying Bear reveals a vast world beyond death and Gracie must find the strength to save them all.

Stratton Eiseley Chris Snyder
Gracie Loren Jolene Andersen
Gracie Loren Jolene Andersen
Joe Running Elk Noah Watts
Stephen Small Salmon Flying Bear
Jim Harris H. Ray Huff
Michael Giovanni Mark Overholt
Gus Robert Wiseman
Whistler Dan Porter
Robby Troy Bertelsen
Don Ken Rutt
Banker Michael Walker
Director Graham DuBose
Producer S.K. DuBose
Writer Graham DuBose