The long awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed cult classic Candyface. Candyface and her gang of Candypunks rally together to try to defeat the Candyfather in an epic battle for street notoriety. The answer to who is the most powerful Candylord is finally revealed after an ultimate showdown & fight for reign.
Wal-aks Keane talking about their identity as a two-spirit Nisga’a person and leading Nisga’a Cultural Dance Groups. They came out in 2004 and started identifying as two-spirit around 2014/2015.
Somewhere in the city, Mason lures his boyfriend Kelly off his seat to dance, leading them to create a happy memory. Jump forward to present day, Kelly is attending a late AA meeting while Mason is drinking at a party, elsewhere in the city. Mason receives a phone call with some distressing news. Back at… Read more »