Bishop Paiute Tribe

Bishop-Paiute-TribeNATIVE YOUTH MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP – Bishop Paiute Tribe

June 27th – July 1st, 2016, the Native Youth Multimedia Workshop initiated its third workshop of the year with the Bishop Paiute Tribe.

Several youth worked on numerous projects about their tribal history, tribal creation story and a PSA on Native Pride.

The workshop concluded with a screening of their films at their tribal community gymnasium. Their films will be shown November 19th at the 10th Annual LA SKINS FEST in Los Angeles, CA.

This program teaches Native youth to write, direct, shoot and edit their own movies!

Every year since 2009, the NATIVE YOUTH MULTI-MEDIA WORKSHOP has travelled to reservations throughout North America and Indigenous communities throughout the world to teach youth multimedia skills.

The youth films from our workshops are shown at the LA SKINS FEST. This is a premier film festival for Native Americans in Los Angeles. The youth are invited to the film festival as special guests and are brought on tours of movie studios and television networks.

For information about the multimedia program, please email [email protected]