Hailing from the cold winds of Upstate New York, this First Nations Haudenosaunee comedy, musical, and animation writer unthawed her frozen heart and made her way towards the sunny skies of Los Angeles. A 2015 Sundance/IAIA Native Writer’s Workshop fellow, an iOWest Digital House Team Sketch Writer, a graduate of Syracuse University, a former page in NBC’s West Coast Page Program, as well as a graduate of UCB, Kelly Lynne D’Angelo (Tuscarora) has a knack for being in programs and graduating things. From writing books for producers to writing sketch for no reason at all, she has created fantastical worlds through pilots, features, and the stage, in the hopes of escaping to a more hilariously magical place. Her musical, “The Count of Monte Cristo,” premiered last year at the Hollywood Fringe Festival to a sold-out run and was invited to participate in the Festival of New American Musical’s “Musi-Cal” showcase. Already this year, one of her comedy pilots landed 1st place in the 2016 A-List, and another was nominated to The 2016 Bitch List with her writing partner. By using both her smarts and her humor, but not her good looks, she’s methodically paving her road towards becoming a television writer in the most hilarious way possible. In all of her irony, she is someone that takes comedy very, very seriously.