Crew | |
Director | Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center, Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace |
Producer | Skawennati, Jason Edward Lewis |
When the Earth Began: The Way of the Skydwellers
Duration | 33:10 min. |
Country | Canada |
Narrated completely in Kanien’kéha (Mohawk), Tsi Tiotonhontsatáhsawe is an animated version of the first part of the epic Haudenosaunee Creation Story, in which we learn the origins of Skywoman, and the forces at play leading up to her fall to earth.
Based on a well-researched script written and translated by Trina Stacey, and featuring the gorgeous artwork of respected comic artist Teiowí:sonte Thomas Deer, this 2.5D animation was created by an Indigeonous-led, majority-Indigenous team.
Produced through a partnership with the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center (KOR) and Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace/Initiative for Indigenous Futures (AbTeC/IIF), the movie will form the basis of a set of culturally appropriate curriculum materials for KOR’s adult Kanien’kéha immersion program.
The past meets the future in this collaboration that will preserve and inspire those learning the Kanien’kehá:ka language for generations to come.