The Daily Life of Mistress Red

The Daily Life of Mistress Red

Duration 10:33 min.
Country United States

Mistress Red is a mockumentary that explores the self empowerment of a native woman who is ready to defeat white supremacy on her own terms.

The Daily Life of Mistress Red is a mockumentary that explores the world of kink, native women and defeating white supremacy on one’s own terms. Taylor is a blogger for an Indigenous women’s website and wants to interview her favorite idol Marie Callingbird; a Native fashion boutique owner by day and to her surprise, Mistress Red.

This project focuses on issues within the circle of indigenous women, racism and the acceptance of sexuality. This story follows a journey or what sexuality is to indigenous women and what it can do to empower them.

"Marie Callingbird/Mistress Red" Jennifer Rader
"Taylor" yra Blackwater
Director Peshawn Rae Bread
Producer Jhane Myers, Jennifer Reeder, Michael D Jones,
Writer Peshawn Rae Bread