Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Duration 5:01 min.
Country Canada

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing is a story of two unlikely friends–a lemming and an Arctic hare–that decide to spend the day together ice fishing.  The lemming embodies the calm, thoughtful nature of traditional hunters and those that live in the Arctic.  This is contrasted with the well-meaning, but impatient Arctic rabbit.  This is a fun, educational story that shows how important it is to be kind, thoughtful, and prepared for whatever comes.

Key Cast Anguti Johnston
Key Cast Vinnie Karetak
Key Cast Celina Kalluk
Director Nadia Mike
Producer Neil Christopher, Danny Christopher and Louise Flaherty
Writer Nadia Mike
Art Director Danny Christopher
Animation Director Luke Coleman